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​While volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence and self-esteem, Stewardship is a way of life.  It is simply doing good for others by answering a call to help.  It builds faith filled relationships within your parish community and changes lives. 


What are the benefits of Stewardship for Students?

  • Connect with faith filled people while developing skills

  • Prepare for a changing world by using your time & talent

  • Learn the Importance of collaboration & teamwork

  • Develop critical thinking skills & innovative ideas to help others

  • Become resourceful & creative problem solvers

  • Develop an awareness of the needs within your parish

​The following opportunities are listed for the youth of our parish.  Some are internal ministries and others are through outside organizations. Please be mindful of the requirements, age restrictions, etc. before signing up.



The St. Pius X parish nursery is always in need of extra hands to help out! Please note: Volunteering in the parish nursery does not fulfill your weekend Mass obligation. Drop-in volunteers are not permitted and cell phone use in the nursery is not permitted. Please use the Sign-Up Genius link to choose a date/time that works for you!




St. Pius X offers "Children's Liturgy of the Word" (CLOW) during the 9:00 am Mass on most Sundays throughout the school year. This is open to children from ages 3-8 and is an age-appropriate Gospel lesson and activity based on the weekend reading. Drop-in volunteers are not permitted and cell phone use is not permitted. Please use the Sign-Up Genius link to choose a date/time that works for you!

​SIGN UP HERE FOR CLOW (Link coming soon for 2024-2025!)


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10 - Spiritual Hours + 30 - Service Hours

Students may begin accumulating their hours as rising 7th graders.

Contact: Kat Manzella


Examples of Spiritual Hours:

1. Adoration 

2. Attending Daily Mass

3.​ Group Rosary

4. Serving at Funerals 

5. Bible study class


Examples of Service Hours:

1. Any service provided for non-profit organization(verifiable)

2. Litter cleanup

3. Event set-up/break down at the Church/School


Confirmation MobileServe Code for Class of 2025-790A52   Class of 2026- C363F3


Opportunities on
Church Campus

Saturday November 23rd: Need 2 students for 
Taize Reception – Set Up  (4:00)

and Clean up (7:00)

Friday December 6th:  Knights of Malta

Fundraiser Dinner 
need 3 students to help with set up (4:00)

Saturday December 7th:  Knights of Malta Fundraiser Dinner
need 2 students to finish set up (11:00 am)

Monday December 9th:  Meet and Mingle –

Set Up (4:00) need 2

Thursday December 12th: Carols and Cheer –

Set Up (6:00) need 2


Out of the Garden

G.U.M. Potters House

Red Cross

TeenLife Suggestions for projects



2210 North Elm Street

Greensboro, NC 27408


PHONE  336 . 272 . 4681

FAX  336 . 274 . 8112



Monday . 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday . 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday . 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday . 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Friday . 8:30 am - 12:30 pm


Closed on Holy Days of Obligation and most Federal holidays.

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Saturday Vigil  .  5:00 pm


Sunday Masses  .  7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:30 am


Nursery  .  The nursery is available for the 5:00 pm, 9:00 am, and 11:30 am Masses


Sacrament of Reconciliation  .  Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 pm


​Daily Mass  .  Mondays & Thursdays . 5:15 pm; Tuesdays & Fridays . 8:30 am


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament  .  Every First Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon


First Saturday Mass  .  8:30 am


Most Holy Days of Obligation  .  8:30 am, 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm (Please check the bulletin.)

© 2024 St. Pius X Catholic Church

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